jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

Autoevaluation of the task 1.

How have you organized to perform this task?
We have organized some evenings working in different parts of the work. After we split the points to make the power point so .Some days before presenting in class, we were to put some points in common that we had to change the power point. We tested the oral presentation and we came to an agreement to select points were going to say that each
Finally, we believe that the result of our work is reflected in the presentation, because there were things that we were not sure they were correct, and some things that got a lot of work.

What difficulties have you found? Which ones?
Because I found some problems. These difficulties are:
- Did not know how to make the distribution of classrooms
-For Deliver time did not know how he had to do
- It was difficult to raise questions for parents
-We weren´t  assured that the game appropriate

What have you learned with this task in relation to the competences described above? What else did you learn?
-I have learned to work together to design and create an educational project with another partner and I have also learned to evaluate my own work.
- Dividing the task into several sections have worked the difference between linguistic competence and pragmatic socioculturals
- Work with different types of assessment and evaluation with other items answering questions
- I learned to do an educational project in English, something I never do.

What is your general opinion on this task?
My opinion of this task is that I learned a lot. It seems very significant because besides learning as there divides the different courses, we have had to do work as an educational project in English class and expose it orally.
These skills are central to the curriculum of nursery

Write your name
Antía Pérez Villamarín

Write the names of the members of your group
María Nogueira Outerelo

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